I dream all the time, but I never write'em down. A friend of mine used to always tell me to start a dream journal, but I'm too stubborn...and lazy. I think my dreams are becoming increasingly more insightful, with the intent to inform my life path. I dreamt about my uncle just now(i know, i know napping this late, but i've been in a damn airport for two days!). The thing that stood out the most in the dream was that my uncle's brother was trying to share his perspective on my uncle's life. It always interesting how those around us can have a grossl
y inaccurate idea of who we are and refuse to hear anything contrary. In that whole dream as my uncle's brother was telling HIS story, my uncle was nodding in disagreement. Like, "how could you have fucked up this story so bad?!" I feel like that sometimes. A lot of times. It is hard to be something outside of the constructs that those around you create and that sometimes we create for ourselves. We want to fulfill the expectation, we want to stick to the script. Because otherwise we are hypocrites, negligent, "not being ourselves" and a list of other stuff. That is a hard life to live, but we do it everyday. We perform our identities, philosophies, worldviews, loves, passions, interests, etc. And when we don't the world is like, " what's wrong? are you ok?" or "who the hell are you?" or "i can't believe you, fuckin' shakara[see Fela]!" This is a stressful life and somehow we always manage to race to increase the number of stress springs in our life. I am on a detox program however. Yep, the poisons have started to ooze out. So, now I want to rewire my mind. You know, upgrade and diversify my life by developing an imagination circuit. I know that sounds a little post de facto, but I think that mechanism is imperative to my life RIGHT NOW. I just finished a book by Kurt Vonnegut(whom I never read) called "A Man Without A Country". It is this witty, satirical and critical compilation of musings from a somewhat disaffec
ted and cynical German-American author. He talks about how we no longer have to develop this imagination circuit because we're handed thoughts, art, and creative expression in a package. So when we see a face, we just see a face. When those with an imagination circuit would see a face, they would see a face with stories. I feel like somebody stole my imagination circuit, so instead of trying to locate the culprit, I'm gonna just build a new one. How ya like them apples? Because I think that circuit is important in helping me discover how I'm gonna love, live and more importantly be free. I can tell you all day what freedom isn't, but I struggle like a brand new mute trying to communicate what I envision freedom to be. I probably couldn't write a simple short story to save my life, because I have learned to rely so heavily on creative/artistic technology(i.e. movies, television), which makes you a lazy thinker. I want to dream newly and not feel like I have to follow a script. I want to embrace my newly discovered identity as an artist and share my gifts so that they may inspire. I want to help imagine>create>produce a world that my great grandchildren and they're contemporaries can live in where they don't have to struggle and fight, but if they do they'll know how to do it creatively and with dignity.... Damn. Gil is speaking so clearly, no oatmeal there.
Until next time,
Stayin' sucka free and dreamin' of freedom at the same time!

Until next time,
Stayin' sucka free and dreamin' of freedom at the same time!