Poundcake Pimp!
WIll somebody please take the liberty of slappin the shit out of Bill Cosby with a sock full of quarters!?! i'm growin' tired of his hypercritically, hypocritic and unjust ramblings about poor urban (read:Black) culture. the elder has a good heart, but his misguided attempt to teach to the truth to youth is bout as pitiful as Dubya Bush trying to deny his criminal negligence on the part of Black folks in New Orleans. Can somebody please tell dead prez Uncle Bill needs an anthem....until then, his ass is on BlackWatch! Stay tuned.....
p.s. who the hell be stealin' poundcake?!?!www.blackcommentator.com/188/188_cosby_hill.html
If its a Hell below, we all gona go! I can dig it, but please cut elder Cosby a little slack at least he is bringing light to our collective plight which is more than I can say for Tiger Woods, Shaq, Wesley Snipes and a list of others who suffer from disconnect. Thanks for hitting my blog, glad you enjoyed the read, as did I...
i can't cut him any slack, cuz he's not listenin' to the cry.
He deserves this criticism as
someone who throughout his entire
career refused to publically comment on class and race. And
now that he has decided to, he is not speaking to the real issues.
He criticizes what we can identify as the symptoms, ways that poor urban Black folk interpret and cope with being displaced, disenfranchised and oppressed.
Now, the elder has earned the right to his opinion, i'm just sayin' he's full of shit! And
needs to speak to power instead
of entertaining it.
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