I really love The Wiz! It is a shining example of Black creativity and art. It references cultural nuances that permeate my life. It retells the Wizard of Oz and relates it to the Black experience in a brilliant fashion. The original already has a strong political and social commentary, but the former is more relevant to my experience. Cabs that don't stop. Dancing graffiti. Crazy ass subway. Soulful crows. And Richard Pryor. Nuff' said. It also has protruding elements of positive thinking, which i think is interesting...that piece doesn't translate well into the Black experience. We(black folks and other folks of color) know that its more complicated than just willing your way into anything. But I found this political interpretation of the original characters that I found insightful and thought to myself how it would look for The Wiz. I don't have any thoughts yet, but maybe y'all do. Feel free to comment.
Dorothy: America, with its traditional values
Toto: Prohibitionist party (also called Teetotalers)
Scarecrow: western farmers
Tin Woodsman: industrial workers
Cowardly Lion: William Jennings Bryan
Munchkins: Citizens of the East
The Lollipop Guild: National Labor Union [Note: The Lollipop Guild does not appear in the book (see Chapter 2: The Council with Munchkins), only the 1939 movie by MGM.]
Wicked Witch of the East: Grover Cleveland
Wicked Witch of the West: William McKinley
Wizard: Marcus Alonzo Hanna
Oz: abbreviation for ounce of silver or gold
Yellow Brick Road: Gold Standard, established by William McKinley
Cyclone: economic panic following the Dust Bowl
Winged Monkeys: Plains Indians
Emerald City: Washington, D.C.
Emerald Palace: The White House
Silver Slippers: The silver coin system: Free Silver
Monkeys: child labor
Poppy Field: Rise of the Opium trade ring
Here's a little treat to help you get through the day:
Diana Ross & Michael Jackson - Ease On Down The Road
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you should like...come back, and blog again.
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