America, America....you bitch! How much longer will the world stand by as you vanquish, batter and pillage the oppressed? Because you don't have an interest in securing democracy....only tyranocracy.
In light of the 4th its seems evident that much more. Threatening to dispose every country other than your own of terrorism, neo-slavery, and good ol' fashion sophisticated pimpin'. You like to beat your women, coerce them into compromising, demand the dividend and then call them harlots after you have put them in jail for prostitution. How Platonian is that? De pwa, de mezi (two weights, two measures: double standards!). It is the American way! Bastions of organized gangs called democrats and republicans vilify the needy and protect the greedy. We can see the slavocracy, field niggas ain't track stars and find ways to resist. persist. and exist outside the physical repression.
Long live the freedom fighters who stand up to the Gooch and his compatriots of perfunctoriness! Beat they ass when they least expectin it!
**stay sucka free, ride on them vampires!
Brother, you may be too black for your own good... Watch your verbiage brother Malcolm, BIG brother is always watching; unfortunately.
Because BIG brother is always watching do we neglect the need to analyze/speak to power? There has to be a balance, we have enough Barak Obama's where is our(the people's) next socio-political heavyweight champion?
**continuing to instigate and cultivate a old/new thought.
damn right stay sucka free!!!!!!! LOL
Get at that writing man! I need more inspiration for the truth. Not enough speak it! Why is that guy telling you
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