Friday, July 21, 2006


O céu está nebulado e a tua beleza esta a partir-me o coracao,
mas, nunca te abandonarei. Quero que voce fique comigo para sempre.
Podemos beijar quando voce quiser …e so dizer. Estou esperando...

The sky is cloudy and your beauty is breaking my heart,
But, I will never abandon you. I want you to stay with me forever.
We will kiss whenever you wish…just tell me. I am waiting…


Angel said...

"I want you to stay with me forever.
We will kiss whenever you wish…just tell me. I am waiting..."

mmm mmmm, uh, is there a number that you can be reached at...? because i'm just saying...uh...if you're waiting to be kissed....i mean...uh...i'm just saying... ;-)


You are waiting, imagine this one... Great piece as usual, but since I can't read Spanish how do I know what it says?

fidel.negro said...

The first part is in Portuguese and the second part is the translation.

layne bowden said...

Hold up. Did you just say:

The sky is cloudy and your beauty is breaking my heart... ????

Damn. That was a spectacular line!! I think I actually started swooning and this is my first time here!! (LOL)


Be... eternal. Peace!