It is not amazing to me anymore how much spins under the radar, but when you have several former members of the Black Panther Party held in contempt and jailed for refusing to testify before a San Francisco grand jury investigating a police shooting that took place in 1971! and nobody knows about it or responds, there is a serious problem in our community. This situation (as it has yet to be fully resolved) is still present and warrants a response/support from those of us at all interested in justice, human rights and our own personal freedom(s). Let's take the time to become more aware of the issues that affect us and our own, because its easy to not feel whats happening, but it is all fundamentally interconnected. The residual(s) will find its way to your life sooner than later if it is not confronted now. Do the knowledge...
**stay sucka free, ride on them vampires!
1 comment:
the past is the past
go on with the future
haven't you did enough
no more suffering
no more lies
no more torture
who in the hell cares
about a event that happened
so long ago
let my people
no we are not terrorist
just a freed black people
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