Harry and David Mystery(Hardy Boys?)So, for the past couples weeks I been trying to figure out a mystery. I typically don't like such suspense, but this was situation was peculiar. Three weeks ago I received this big ass box.

It had nothing on it except the names:
Harry and David. I'm like who the hell is Harry and David, and what do they want?! Because, we know that often gifts have strings attached, especially from people we don't know. I was extremely slow to open the box, because I'm distrustful...I mean calculated like that. A week went by and I was like,
f@ck it!, let's see what's up in this joint!. To my surprise there are all types of goodies...Milk Chocolate Truffles, Bing Cherry Chocolates, Mint Chocolates and Dark Chocolate Moose Munch(yeah I was like what the hell is

that too!). Heavenly. I'm not a huge chocolate fan, but I occasionally have an ultra-sweet tooth, so it was right on time. I've shared with visitors who are almost always beyond satisfied. But there was something else in the box that made my month.
There are certain items in the fruit family that just touch me in a special place because they remind me of my childhood, like plums and peaches. To my content there was three of the most beautiful PEARS I've ever seen in my life!!!!! Now, I STILL don't know who the hell sent the package, but I would like to thank them for the clandestine contribution to my happiness. So maybe y'all can help me figure this out, any thoughts? Any of y'all got clues or strategies of discovery that I can employ? I'm open to the possibilities.
**Questioning my sucker-free'ness since I fell for the okie-doke and took the bait.
wow! somebody must think you're a pretty big deal huh? how correct they were/are in assuming that!!! ;-)
by the way, how you feel about plums and peaches and childhood is exactly how i feel about salmon croquettes and beef stew!!! "moe? that's my boy!" hahahahhahaha
@ fallen angel: thank you sis! you had me lookin' real crazy. The croquettes were a serious part of my childhood too...Oklahoma where the wind.....
no need to thank me, i'm not the one who sent it....
but i do mean what i said in the first part of my comment, you area pretty big deal! :-)
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